Destined to become a field and research
classic, this book is authored by a retired colonel from the
United States Army. Having served as an advisor to various
presidents, Col. Corso (retired) has the highest status to date of anyone
coming forward to openly admit the truth about the UFO which
crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947.
Now in his eighties, the author
had such a high level position with the army that anyone doubting
his veracity must acknowledge the man had nothing further to gain
by telling the truth at his age. The book is written crisply and
will captivate anyone interested in UFOs, military buffs, or
anyone having fought in World War II, the Korean War or Viet Nam
wars. Much presidential history is covered in detail with good
links as to which presidents were informed and which ones were
misinformed by those they believed to be their trusted cabinet or
CIA contacts.
To date, most of the negative
jabs taken against the book have come from other branches of the
United States military or security groups. Clearly, the author
stepped on a few toes here!
The history provided by Corso is
fascinating: In detail, he discloses how he saw one of the
Roswell corpses, and how recovered artifacts were hidden from
other branches of the military, the president, and the public by
labeling these things as "foreign technology." The ruse
was clever, and worked.
Other military and government officials
were led to believe the "foreign technology desk"
headed up by Corso's boss was to distribute technology stolen
from the Nazi's, East Germans, Russians, or other military
threats to the United States.
The book makes it eminently
clear that the "cold war" with Russia was just a
political foil against the real threat to the Earth's safety:
UFOs. Corso explains how the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty
and the Star Wars project were intended to protect Earth from
UFOs. The Russians cooperated in this political ruse since it was
in their best interest to cooperate with the U.S. military, which
was attempting to develop missiles to protect the entire Earth
from extraterrestrial attack. So, while the cold war with Russia
was the political foil to keep funding alive for these secret
military projects, the foreign technology desk distributed the
Roswell artifacts to various government contractors.
Corso's job in 1961-2 was to
study the Roswell artifacts, read the investigators' reports,
then determine which government contractor would be given the
artifact under the guise of technology stolen from a foreign
military power.
All contractors were told to reverse-engineer and
then file for a patent under their own names. This would inspire
the technology to be discovered while concealing its origin as
For example, Corso learned one
of the broken computer chips from the Roswell disc was given to
Bell Telephone labs in 1948. The chip was reverse-engineered and
resulted in a catapulting of the computer industry.
 The Day After Roswell
Prior to
that, computer development was much slower, having actually been
around since the 1830's when initially developed by Charles
Babbage, same name as in Babbages, the national computer software
Another Roswell artifact was a
black lens covering removed from an Alien corpse. The doctor who
peeled the lens from the Alien's eyeball held it up to his own
eye and saw that if he walked down a dark hall, he was still able
to see in the dark. When Corso read the report and studied the
black lens, he decided to turn it over to Martin/Marietta, which
later became Lockheed. Corso chose them as the ideal government
contractor to develop night vision lenses for troops in battle at
night since they were already under contract to develop other
instruments for battle.
A fiber cable that could bend
light was also discovered in the Roswell disc. A piece of this
cable was given by Corso to Bell Telephone labs to
reverse-engineer for their telephone communication. This
technology later became known as fiber optics.
Clothing fibers extracted from
the Aliens' garment were unlike anything here on Earth. This
supertenacity fiber was turned over to Dupont and Monsanto which
they incorporated to develop bulletproof vests in use today.
Other Roswell technology
distributed to government contractors by Corso included a Roswell
tool which produced a beam of light so intense it could cut metal
like butter. This Roswell technology was used to develop the
laser beam we have today as well as adapted and used as
the origin for microwave ovens.
Corso explains the military rationale for debunking the
cattle mutilations and alien abductions: Since the military was
unable to prevent these things from happening or to explain them
intelligently to the public, it was simpler to debunk people's
stories or let them think they were delusional. Also, there is
nothing in the book suggesting that the U.S. Military is working
secretly with Aliens.
This book does an excellent job explaining the military's
planning as protector from a perceived global threat, while also showing how rapidly our technology advanced after alien artifacts were distributed and reverse-engineered. This is a must have book for every UFO library. To order the book, click on the bookcover above.