The author of Communion, Transformation, and now Breakthrough,
explores his five year retreat from public life to
understand the personal impact of alien involvement in
his life.
In this book,
Strieber explores his sudden desire to retreats from
public life in 1989. At the time he said he would not
return until he had something fundamentally new to say
about to the aliens that he had come to call the
this time Strieber embarked on a five-year struggle to
understand. The aliens responded by taking ham on an
astounding extensively witnessed journey of revelation.
The aliens answered many of Strieber's questions. The
aliens showed him many incredible things.
Strieber observed
aliens interactions with a terminally ill friend. At his
isolated cabin, he had a face-to-face encounter with a
creature from another world touching hands across the
Gulf of the unknown. The overwhelming impact of what
Strieber discovered made him search his own soul as well.
also talks about a government cover-up of
extraterrestrials living on Mars. In 1984 Strieber became
aware of a government cover-up. This was the year he met
Richard Hoagland who brought the NASA photo of the face on Mars
to the public attention.
This picture
was taken by the Viking Orbiter in the 1960s. It had been
discovered by two NASA scientists who examined the
pictures by using computer imaging techniques.
results were startling. Strieber assumed that NASA would
have been pleased with the pictures but they were not
because they did not know how to deal with them.
In the
early 1990s Strieber found the aliens had left him again.
Strieber felt the aliens had left him deliberately. He
found this to be as difficult as coping with their
presence. Strieber also discusses his opinion of the
intelligence community pointing out that his criticism is
not directed at the dedicated people who maintain our
national defense, but other to the bureaucracy which
controls them.
surfers and computer hackers will especially love the
appendix at the back of the book. It was downloaded from
the Internet and is a list of suspected government
computer sites storing classified data about aliens,
alien corpses, UFO debris, etc. To order the book, click on the bookcover above.