The author, Albert Budden, has reached the conclusion
that UFO sightings and alien encounters are caused by an
electromagnetic field. This hypothesis, known as
electro-staging, explains this phenomenon in terms of
electromagnetic pollution.
The author reasons that human states of mind can be
altered by natural changes in the Earth's magnetic
fields. Therefore Budden has presumed that UFOs and
aliens can be explained in the same way.
The author based his theory on a publication produced
by the Society for Psychical Research written by Andrew
MacKenzie and called Hauntings and
Budden was surprised to learn
that apparitions behaved in the same manner as UFO
related entities therein. Budden also uses
electromagnetic energy to explain Men in Black, out of
the body experiences, altered states of awareness, time
distortion, time lapse, visions, trances, and other
anomalous occurrences.
The author also discusses identified atmospheric
phenomena (UAP) as critical to understanding the UFO
phenomena. Two examples of UAP's are ball lightning and
Earth lights.
Ball lightning occurs frequently but not exclusively in a
water filled, thundery, or charged atmosphere, and has
been well-documented over the years. The Earth light has
only been identified since 1982 by Paul Devereux, who has
presented evidence that they are produced like seismic
electricity at fault lines and geological strata.
 UFOs Psychic Close Encounters
The Earth light varies in its appearance in that it is
mainly observed as a large sphere of orange light which
can irradiate witnesses who are too close, sometimes
causing thermo and sunburn affects. The limits to the
radiation types are not known but they seem to include
ionizing as well as non-ionizing fields.
This book contradicts The Holographic
Universe in that it basically claims all
phenomena is not genuine because it is induced by
electromagnetic fields. After reading this book, the
reader will get the idea that everything that happens is
an 'electrical illusion.' Readers wanting serious abduction information will not need this book, since the author's purpose is
to explain away UFOs and abductions.
Although the author's lay interpretation of electromagnetic fields is obviously connected with abductions or the paranormal, anyone seriously
interested in abductions will not learn anything new. To order the book, click on the bookcover above.