In this
twisted tale of infidelity, Secret
Vows is about Denise and Bert Twiggs, a married couple who swing with their
extraterrestrial spouses and shared families. The Twiggs called this
the awakening which opened them up to the truth and
caught a glimpse of a better life. The book discusses the
ET spouses as well as the birth of the children shared by
the polygamous four-some.
The Twiggs say
their extraterrestrial spouses interact with them daily and are called the Andromes. They were
told extraterrestrials assigned several big ships or UFOs
to the Earth and begin working with
humans when they are still children. The aliens try to
install implants in the human child as early as possible.
The authors claim the following about the various tracking devices.
The tracking devices are placed in the right nostril to
locate your exact position in any time.
monitor is a much more complicated device and usually
implanted only in humans who will be in long-term
relationships with extraterrestrials, such as the authors. The monitor is
placed in the back of the head and connected to several
portions of the brain. The monitor serves to mechanically
lockout portions of your brain. This allows the aliens to
safely have meetings with the humans who will not have
any conscious memory. The monitor is also used to shut
off the conscious mind. This is less shocking and can be
done through light frequency.
Twiggs can feel weird sensations in their heads and neck
when the aliens are raising their memory levels. The
Twiggs could feel the aliens touch them even though they
could not see them. Sometimes they would see shadows and
they knew it was the aliens.
The top
security alien looked like a giant alligator which spoke
English. The couple also reported meeting a creature that
was six feet tall and looked like an English sheep dog.
appendix at the back of the book describes the awakening
process. Phase 1 is when the person has knowledge that he
is involved with people from another planet. Phase 2 is
being able to remember your involvement. Phase 3 is when the person
begins meeting at a conscious level. Phase 4 is
permanent, conscious contact.
 Secret Vows
This book wins AAER's Little Green Man Award for being so detrimental to the study of alien
abduction, that only Disinfo Agents from AFOSI could love this book which makes abductees sound like wackos.
Twiggs experienced some of the more common symptoms that
other abductees will recognize: blinking lights,
appliances turning themselves on an off, locks breaking
or unlocking themselves, unexplainable sounds, shadowy
movements, nose bleeds, pressure headaches, red patchy
marks on the back of the head, restless nights,
sleepwalking, vivid dreams, missing time, high frequency
sounds, nervous pets, unexplainable scars, marks, or
Other things include light touches,
remembering alien contact, areas of soreness on the head
or neck, fluttering sensations, and body temperature
While the book has fleeting moments of interest, most readers will be annoyed by the silliness of the authors.
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