In this
book Lost
Cities & Ancient Mysteries of South America, author
Hatcher takes the reader on unforgettable journeys deep
into deadly jungles, windswept mountains and scorching
deserts in search of lost civilizations and ancient
The author takes the reader
through stone cities high in mountain forests and
fantastic tales of Inca treasure, living dinosaurs, and a
mysterious tunnel system.
Whether the author is hopping
freight trains, searching for secret cities, or just
dealing with the daily problems of food, money, and
romance, the author keeps the reader spellbound. The
author also discusses UFO reports from the natives.
Hatcher explores the bizarre
lines across the Nazca plain, lost Incas' treasure,
giants in the Earth, the Sphinx and many lesser known
anomalies. The author explores ancient calendars with
their predictions for our future, ancient maps accurately
showing the continents on Earth. One of the maps even
shows Atlantis as a land mass as big as any continent.
 Lost Cities & Ancient Mysteries of South America
The book includes many fascinating
photographs of the designs seen from the air on the Nazca
plain. Also included is the incredible story of ancient
painted rocks that many are saying were left behind by an
ancient god-like civilization.
Although this is not a book directly about UFOs or even alien abductions, the book
contains a great deal of information about how early
civilizations may have been influenced by aliens injecting
themselves into the lives of ancient people. The book is definitely worth
reading. To order the book, click on the bookcover above.