U.F.O. Evaluating the Evidence this important
book takes an objective look at the current unexplained
events that have aroused emotions ranging from
incredulity to awe. Dozens of case histories are
documented from strange lights and shapes in the sky to
firsthand accounts of mysterious spacecraft encountered
at various places around the world.
Corroborating evidence on
witness reliability, weather conditions, government
investigations, scientific analysis of photographs, radar
tracks, flight patterns and speeds and alleged physical
traces of such encounters are scrutinized. The author
explains scientific aspects of flight patterns more
thoroughly than that which is seen in other books.
Ongoing studies by governments,
universities and independent scientists and researchers,
covering more than four decades, have failed to explain
many of the most puzzling cases. Information has been
widely suppressed and apparently credible witnesses
testimony deliberately discredited.
This book provides an overview
of the history of UFOs, including military and government
interest in UFOs, classification of the most common forms
of UFOs, and detailed first hands sightings with case
histories of follow-up.
The book explores the Roswell
incidents, project blue book and other government
investigations. The author does an excellent job
providing technical analysis of UFO flight patterns vs.
those of known aircraft. He includes a glossary of
important technical terms and acronyms.
 U.F.O. Evaluating the Evidence
The author includes many excellent
black and white photographs as well as color diagrams to
make his point. He also discusses space phenomena, a
useful tool for watchers of the night skies. He also
delves into UFO exploration behind the iron curtain. The
book provides an excellent index of all movers and
shakers known to the UFO community.
In many ways, this book is a compendium similar to
Jenny Randles' book, which we covered under Book Review: Alien
Contact--The First Fifty Years. But unlike Randles'
book, this book fills the historical and scientific gap
not covered in Randles' book. This book is an extremely
useful edition for the UFO library and is highly