Glimpses of Other Realities Volume II High Strangeness explores
the often contradictory information about the UFO
phenomenon. As author Linda Moulton Howe states in the introduction, she once
asked an Intelligence Officer about a Colonel who
supposedly spent time with an EBE (extraterrestrial
biological entity).
The Colonel said the EBE explained
telepathically that our universe was not the only one. He
said to imagine a large island of sand and each sand
grain was a different universe separated from the others
by an electromagnetic membrane and a giant cold sea
surrounded the island. She asked what was the sea? And he
answered she did not want to know because it would change
her forever.
This ominous tone sets the
pace for the book -- suspense, intrigue, and riddles.
Things are what they seem, or are they are?
In her book, Howe tackles the
military mind, light beams, discs, and animal deaths.
Then she delves into really high strangeness with areas
familiar, and not so familiar to abductees.
The author details
information learned about aliens, other worlds, body
containers and souls of light. Many of our readers report
being shown containers of souls or clones of human and these
are investigated thoroughly in the book.
 Glimpses of Other Realities Volume II High Strangeness
Howe includes photos and analyses from
many different investigations. She also details
conversations with abductees and transcripts of their
discussions. Many abductees will appreciate her frankness in discussing
these topics openly.
Alien surgery is more bizarre
than anything found in other popular abduction books.
Linda Moulton Howe explores organ and body transplants, clones, and
various surgical procedures and devices. The apocalypse,
crop circles, Christ, and changing bodies, and bodies in
containers provide insights into comments heard from
other abductees.
Christian, Jewish, and Islamic
faiths are investigated, along with their similarities
and differences. Ancient languages and legendary Gods are
explored as well. Although this may be the bulkiest and
most expensive UFO paperback around, it is well worth the