The Contact Has Begun is a book so different from other alien reports
that its strangeness gives it a very real flavor. Author Phillip H. Krapf
is a retired editor for the Los Angeles Times Newspaperwho had never given
abductions or UFOs any thought.
But all that changed on
June 11, 1997, at 2:32 a.m. when he was abducted by
aliens at the age of 62. Krapf was told he would be
allowed to remember many things about the future and the
impending formal alien contact with mankind.
Krapf spent the next three days being
indoctrinated into a fascinating New World by
extraterrestrials called "Verdants."
What the author
learned was that these alien beings, who have been
observing Earth for 1000 years, had decided that the time
has come for mankind to be invited into the Intergalactic
Federation of Sovereign Planets. The reason for now is
due to the American space program.
Hundreds of prominent world citizens
have been and are being recruited to serve as emissaries
to help smooth the way for the eventual
extraterrestrial-terrestrial contact that is planned to
occur by the end of the first decade of the 21st century,
which is around the year 2010.
According to the author, the Verdants
are selecting two groups of people. The first group are
well-known people with one thing in common -- credibility
and the power to personally influence large segments of
the population.
Each person is being assigned a specific
function toward the ultimate goal of preparing the masses
of people on Earth for inevitable contact.
 The Contact Has Begun
The second group of people being
selected for alien contact are a group of basically unknown people such as
the author. This group of people is being selected for
their skills rather than for their standing in the
population. They would play only minor roles in the
campaign to influence public opinion. He was given the
official title deputy envoy.
During one of the author's
conversations with the aliens, he asked if the Roswell
crash stories were true. The aliens said they were, but
that the crashed UFO belonged to a race of people from a
planet in what Earth astronomers called the large
Megallanic cloud. This is a galaxy about 200,000 light
years away which is visible to the naked eye in the
Southern Hemisphere.
The timetable will become public during
early 2002 when one of the aliens' chosen earth
ambassadors will make a public acknowledgement confirming
the accuracy of what is planned to transpire.
While the book is interesting, it
will leave the reader wondering why this
retired newspaper man was not abducted
until the age of 62! People familiar
with the abduction topic may doubt
many of his assertions about aliens.
"Don't believe everything you
read" might be good advice