Flying Saucers - Serious Busines by Frank Edwards is a classic book
from 1966 which startled readers with this ominous message:
Warning! Near approaches of
unidentified flying objects can be harmful to human
beings. Do not stand under a UFO that is hovering at low
altitude. Do not touch or attempt to touch a UFO that has
In 1966, that warning scared readers, already fearful of
a flying saucer craze lingering from the 1950's. People
were still afraid of Martians landing and shooting us
Author Frank Edwards, a former news
commentator for the American Federation of Labor, was a
pioneer broadcaster and reporter. In 1923 he launched his
broadcasting career as an unpaid radio announcer on KDKA
in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the world's first clear channel radio station.
Edwards later became a political
commentator for the Mutual Broadcasting Network with one of the
biggest audiences in radio. He was the author of other
best selling books such as Stranger than Science,
Strange People, My First 10,000,000 Sponsors,
and Strange World.
Frank Edwards was
one of those gifted people who could fascinate an
audience whether hosting a radio program, television show, or writing books.
In this classic book on UFOs, Edwards explored such
things as, why UFOs had undergone drastic design changes
in the past sixty years? Or what was the unidientified object that
followed a Polaris missile in 1961 and caused the radar
tracking gear to lock on it instead of the missile?
 Flying Saucers - Serious Business
Or, even stranger, how could British television viewers pick up signals from
a Texas television station that had gone out of business
three years earlier? Where were these unexplained signals coming from?
Or, what was the reason for the
mysterious power blackouts of the Northwest and Southwest
in the fall of 1965?
Edwards reports on plastic UFO cases
and elaborates on witnesses, the military, and any
attempted cover-up. Due to the fact there was little or
no emphasis on occupants UFOs in those days, readers will
find very few references to actual encounters with
The book also contains some classic
photographs of UFOs as well what are now classic UFO
stories and chases. Interestingly enough, there is also
discussion and pictures of strange red lights noted on
the Moon back in 1963.
This book is a well-documented classic book worthy
of reading for the first time, or re-reading.