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Book Review: MILABS: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction by Dr. Helmut Lammer and Marion Lammer


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MILABS: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction by Dr. Helmut Lammer and Marion Lammer

MILABS: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction by Dr. Helmut Lammer and Marion Lammer shows for the first time that covert human military agencies are involved in the alien abduction phenomenon especially in North America. This lends credence to the possibility the MILABS are collaborators or tools of the American military.

The foreword is by Dr. Richard Sauder, best-selling author of Underground Bases and Tunnels.

The book is documented with released government documents where readers can see some military agencies had an interest in secret implant field studies, since the 1960's, illustrations, photos, hypnosis transcripts of military interrogation sessions with alleged alien abductees, medical statements, and more.

Readers will see for the first time the whole story of the alien abduction phenomenon. After reading about MILABS, the alien abduction phenomenon will no longer be viewed as today.

During recent years, more and more people who experienced alien abductions claimed that they were also drugged, blindfolded, and taken to abandoned buildines or other underground locations where they were harassed by covert military agencies.

Some of these victims like K. Wilson, Leah Haley, Melinda Leslie, and Dr. Karla Turner for instance, experienced traumatic flashbacks and were able to recall seeing their human kidnappers as unknown military personnel or people wearing alien face masks for a phoney disguise.

Until now, such cases were only reported in some books and journals of abductees, since most well known alien abduction researchers ignored these cases, although they knew about them!

MILABS will be the first book which documents in detail that there is amazing evidence that covert human military agencies are involved in the alien abduction mystery.

The book reviews the former top secret US mind-control projects like ARTICHOKE, MKULTRA, etc., and compares the experiences of mind-control victims and MILAB abductees -- alleged alien abductees who claim that they were also kidnapped, examined, interrogated, sometimes implanted with tiny foreign objects, by human military personnel, men in white lab coats or men in business suits.


MILABS: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction

The book addresses the following topics:

1. Documented History of Secret Mind- and Behaviour-Control Experiments

2. A Possible Purpose of MILABS

3. Activity of Dark Unmarked Helicopters in Connection with Alien Abductions

4. Alleged Kidnappings of Alien Abductees by Covert Military/Intelligence Personnel

5. Genetic Aspect of MILABS

6. Otherworldly Journeys and Military Underground Facilities

7. Creating an Imaginary Alien Abductee

8. Toward a Controlled Society:
Terrestrial Implants and their Application to MILABS and Future Warfare

9. Military Interrogation Sessions with Alleged Alien Abductees

10. Guidelines for Future Research

In point 7 and 8 you will also read about the development of biological process control weapons, virtual reality brain implants, etc.

The book is well documented with references of official but not well known scientific and military papers, photos, former top secret government documents, x-rays where everybody can see implants, statements of professional therapists, researchers, hypnosis transcripts of people who were interrogated on secret military underground research facilities, etc.

If you think you are quite familiar with the alien abduction phenomenon - Think again! After reading MILABS you will discover there are many more sinister aspects involved.

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