Almanac of Alien Encounters by Eric Elfman and illustrated by AAER's own Jeff Westover
shows a historical overview of alien encounters, from Archbishop Agobard of
Lyons’s ninth-century encounter with the occupants of a cloudship through a January
2000 UFO sighting in Illinois. Includes both the skeptics’ and the true believers’
points of view.
The book is beautifully illustrated by Michigan artist Jeff Westover. Each
illustration tells a story with compassion. The book has many
charts, sidebars, and pencil sketches, along with a few photographs.
Comparisons between typical alien encounters and folklore, brief
descriptions of additional sightings, background information on assorted
alien experts, and definitions of terms used in ufology, all add to the
well-planned concept of the book.
 Almanac of Alien Encounters
A man in black icon in the margin indicates especially
significant or well-documented incidents. Although the book is aimed
at the pre-teen market, adults will find the information useful and
informative, especially if needing to answer questions from children.