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Book Review: Alien Abduction - Can It Happen to You?


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Alien Abduction - Can It Happen to You?

The world's largest web site on alien abductions compiled this excellent online e-book for learning about alien abductions in your life exploring ways for readers to discover their repressed memories of alien abduction.

Some people grow up haunted with fragmented memories of events so bizarre it is impossible to blend them in with modern life.

Although marriage, parenthood and careers can often mask the haunted memories of the past, buried memories can resurface as terrifying nightmares or waking fears of being in certain places.

AAER explores current beliefs and myths about aliens and why the public has such a diverse opinion on their reality. Coupled with military denials, the seesaw of acceptance or denial of other intelligent life forms.

The book provides the Alien Abduction Survey in depth with fully explained answers and what they signify. Readers can answer the questions and compare how similar their experiences are to other abductees.

Post traumatic stress is discussed along with the alien abduction personality type, as well as an explanation of the different varieties of aliens visiting Earth.

Alien implants, medical and psychological examinations along with sexual and romantic relationships with aliens are explored.

AAER probes the alien abduction personality and what it means to be an abductee, contactee, or experiencer. Coping with abductions and what to do about them is another area frequently questioned by readers.


Readers' feedback:

Miguel wrote: "I didn't think anyone understood what I was going through with these strange dreams at night of being examined by aliens. I was shown many strange things. I felt like I was being given important information, but couldn't remember it or what to do with it."

Eric wrote: "I work in information technology and ordered this book at work and read it straight through. I am a grown man and this e-book touched me so closely that I cried at my desk at work."

Miranda wrote: "My children have been waking up at night crying and insisting there are strange little people standing around their beds at night. I try to tell them it is just their imagination. But deep inside I am terrified because I have been seeing the very same creatures hovering around my bed. I have heard unexplainable loud crashes in the house but nothing has fallen over. I can't go near anything electrical because it turns off, like appliances and street lights. Everyone thinks I am nuts and I was starting to believe them. This e-book helped me understand that I am not alone, and more importantly, that I am not crazy!"  


This e-book is no longer available.

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