What if our fear prevents us from seeing the truth? What if alien abductions are not about experimentation and probing but about spiritual awakening and galactic contact?
Up until now, the phenomenon of alien abduction has been presented in a bleak, oppressive, threatening, and fear filled fashion. As we all know, abductees are victims and counsellers help them cope.
But what if it is not like that at all? What if it is only our fear that makes us see this way? What if our fear prevents us from seeing the truth? What if alien abductions are not about experimentation and probing but about spiritual awakening and galactic contact?
Sound fantastic?
This is just what Mary Rodwell, counsellor, registered nurse, and midwife, suggests in Awakening. After working with over 900 experiencer (abductees), Mary concludes that it is our fear that prevents us from seeing the truth and our fear that creates our terror. Once we overcome our fear, we see the phenemonon for what it really is.
It is past time that we shrugged off our fear of this amazing spiritual phenomenon. Let Mary help you overcome the fear and conditioning that prevents you from seeing the profound and beautiful truth.
There are ships on our horizon!
About the Author
Mary Rodwell RN, midwife, counsellor, hypnotherapist, and metaphysician. Co-founder and Principal of ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Resource Network.) ACERN supports individuals and families with "encounter" experiences. It also provides information to the public and raising awareness in therapeutic/medical and healing professions. ACERN recently featured in the "The Australian Doctors" Journal, (November 2003,) regarding the Abduction Phenomenon.
Author and International speaker, Mary has appeared in several television documentaries. She is director and presenter for the EBE award winning documentaries "Expressions of ET Contact.. .a visual Blueprint?" and "Expressions of ET Contact a communication and Healing Blueprint?"
Author of the book Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life Mary is Vice president of the Star Kids Project and official representative of the Star Kids Project Ltd. Australia.
In 9 years over 850 individuals have resourced ACERN Nationally and Internationally, U.K, America, Europe, Russia, Japan and South America.
Mary research embraces both physical and metaphysical implications of Contact. Her research demonstrates similarities between Contact experience and a modern day shamanic journey.
 Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact can Transform Your Life
Most clients exhibit transformative changes such as heightened psi abilities, telepathy, clairvoyance and healing. Also complex artwork, scripts, symbols and strange languages, as part of their Contact experiences, with a downloading of information an eight year old called "knowledge bombs."
Complex data conveyed through mental images and concepts, energy signatures or wave forms at this heightened consciousness level. Children whose families have a history of Contact often display this multi-dimensional awareness. "Star Children" or as Mary calls them "the new kids on the block," exhibit a maturity and wisdom beyond their years, past life memories and dual consciousness sharing and often connect to spirit and angelic realms.
Mary shares personal testimony of Star children and their families. Explore the fascinating range of visual, and vocal phenomenon that Mary’s clients have displayed, and learn what they have to say about it. What data supports this growing phenomenon from a medical, psychological, scientific, and historical perspective?
What is the purpose of such transformative changes and what do experiencers believe this all means? Is it true that our children are being changed on many levels through contact? What is our relationship with our Extraterrestrial visitors? These questions and more will be explored in Mary’s presentation of "Awakening."
This book includes chapters on, Is contact real? Are You Having Contact Experiences? Who Can I Trust to Help Me? and much more. This eBook is 246 pages and illustrated.
Although this book has been discontinued, we suggest the following alternate book "Alien Abduction: Can It Happen to You?" This eBook will be sent to you by email.
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