I just came back from my nightly
'skywatch'...which consists of driving around the area with
binoculars at my side.
23:00 to 23:15 (sighting lasted intermittently for 15 minutes)
Southwestern Sanilac County, Michigan (Marlette-Burnside area)
Unknown light, with a brilliant reddish-orange light.
UFOs in the Marlette area, over the past few years, have often
been reported as orangish or amber lights that often appear
singularly or in groups. The color is much like that of amber
street lights, with maybe a little more red to them. I personally
know of three other people witnessing these strange amber lights.
In 1995 I witnessed a single amber light sitting motionless below
a ceiling of thick clouds at dusk just two miles south of
Marlette. As I was driving by it, it suddenly shot straight up
through the cloud bank, illuminating it as it went.
On a late January 1996 evening..around 11pm EST, a massive
display of these lights appeared, hanging motionless in the air,
over the M-53/M-90 West intersection (two miles north of
Burnside, MI) as witnessed by myself and apparently by the dozen
or so drivers of vehicles pulled to the side of the road. For
some ridiculous reason, after observing this massive string of
huge bright amber lights sitting motionless, I kept on driving!
Tonight, June 20th, I saw another amber light on the south
horizon as I was driving into Marlette from the east. I hurridly
made it through town, past the bright street lights and through
heavy cruising traffic, and out the south end of town. It was
still there, about 20 degrees above the horizon almost directly
in front of me and bobbing like a boat on choppy seas. This
single light was jumping around slightly. Then it disappeared.
Vanished. I pulled off to a side road with a slight hill and
parked the car, waiting to see if this light would
reappear...binoculars ready.
Sure enough it reappeared within two minutes and was blazing
bright, although not putting off any glare or halo. It seemed to
be like a ball of fire, concentrated and bright. Through the
binoculars it was a bright ball of reddish orange light, brighter
than any star in the sky, that seemed to have a bobbing motion to
it. And then it simply vanished before my eyes. I lowered the
binoculars and scanned the horizon. It reappeared at the same
altitude but about 20 degrees to the right where it sat for a
moment and suddenly dipped to the ground. I lost sight of it at
that point. I continued to drive around for another hour but saw nothing
Jeff Westover
June 21, 1998