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Feature Articles: Woman Awakens to Find Alien Marks Part 2


Feature Articles: Alien Abductions, Cattle Mutilations, Conspiracies, Roswell, UFOs

Woman Awakens to Find Alien Marks Part 2

Mrs. Smith discovered two new marks on her right arm upon awakening on the morning of November 16/17, 1997 in her Mid-Michigan home. Then on the morning of November 30, 1997, Mrs. Smith awakened to discover a perfectly straight 3 inch long scar wrapping itself around her mid-forearm.

In the next photograph below, Mrs. Smith's right arm is shown with the new alien marks and scars.

Woman Awakens to Find Strange Markings

The next photograph is a close-up of the marks.


Woman Awakens to Find Strange Markings

In the next photograph below, the green lines represent the new scars which appeared on the morning of November 16 or 17, 1997. The blue line represents the 3 inch straight line scar which appeared on Mrs. Smith's forearm on the morning of November 30, 1997. The new scars are white.

Woman Awakens to Find Strange Markings

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