The movie "Men In Black" stars Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith as government agents known as Men in Black. Opening scene is a group of illegal aliens, not from space, but rather from Mexico, hiding in the back of truck. As border guards attempt to unload the alien passengers, their efforts are interrupted by Tommy Lee Jones, on mission to find the space alien hiding in the group of Mexican aliens. As one of the Men in Black, Jones instantly identifies the space alien, scolds him, then blasts him into oblivion with an MIB weapon. Jones uses a laser wand which causes instant memory loss to the shocked border patrol guards and the Mexican aliens who are sent on their way without a memory of the event.
After the MIB force observes Will Smith ("Independence Day") hunt down a perpetrator not knowing it is a fugitive alien, Tommy Lee Jones recruits Will Smith to join their ranks. Smith is trained in the new MIB technology and allowed to see the place where humans and aliens interact in a large terminal of sorts. Trouble comes to the MIB's when out-of-control aliens hiding on Earth need to be disciplined or hunted down. That is a job for the Men in Black.
Originally conceived as a spoof, "Men in Black" does an excellent job turning unbelievable material into a believable series of events. "Men In Black" is an Amblin Entertainment film and is directed by Barry Sonnenfeld of "Independence Day." True to the style of a Steven Spielberg production, the movie is continuously entertaining and never skips a beat. Viewers of all ages will enjoy the special effects.