Telephone conversation, 2 officers, one of them a controller at an unspecified department in Trumbull County
Person #1: The FAA didn't see it.
Person #2: That is a joke, that is a joke.
Person #1: We got 8 calls about it.
Person #2: Liberty was telling us about it.
Person #1: We got calls on it last night, too.
Person #2: How's a UFO going to be detected on radar if it's Stealth?
Person #1: We got 8-calls earlier.
Person #2: It's hard to say. In winter months, you see a lot more shooting stars because the sky is clear.
Person #1: With the cold, they drag on.
Person #2: I saw one good one tonight that was bright. Pete was joking about that.
Person #1: Beam me up, Scotty [laughs].
Person #2: That's probably what they're seeing.
Person #1: We'll make a note of it.
A gentleman at 'the jail' calls the dispatch office on the telephone to ask about the UFO situation. The controller explains that the UFO is presently being seen, and says that UFO reports were also received the previous evening. The controller explains that a Howland police officer is also a witness to the present UFO as well.
A new, unidentified controller is now speaking with Unit #433.
Controller: Did the UFO move?
Unit #433: Negative, but I'm out at the air base here, standing here watching it. It looks like he's just sitting here.
A male respondent advises Unit #433 that a subject is enroute.
[Special note: The sequence which is to follow contains the POLICE PURSUIT of the UFO, and the rapid-fire action and radio traffic cannot be easily charted. Dialogue will be listed below, frequently without attribution, as it is not known what 'Unit' is speaking.]
Unknown Unit: I've got a visual on it! I'm east on Old [Rt.] 82 with a visual on it by the 'S' curve! I can see a large red, blue and green light. I am going east on Liberty. This thing's going so fast, there's no way I can keep up with it. When I pulled in Liberty I could see it in the distance, but I got closer and it started moving.
Unknown voice: Which Liberty?
Unknown Unit: Liberty off of Belmont. I don't see it now, I'm on Logan now.
Voice: OK, 429, its south of Old 82, I'm moving east on it!
Unit #429: I'm still stationary at the airbase. It's pulsating.
Voice: Affirmative, I'm looking at it through binoculars. Its got something protruding out the top of it.
Voice: I'm on Belmont now.
Voice: It's over [Railroad?] tracks now...
Voice: It's hovering now!
Voice: I see it now, too!
Voice: It looks like its flickering more now and its east of me now! I'm heading east on Old 82...
Voice: I've got a pretty good view from here!
Voice: I'm dead east on it, it's slightly north of us!
Two other officers respond separately.
Officer A: I heard that Liberty had some traffic regard to that, too...
Officer B: Voice: We know they definitely saw something, because we're seeing it.
Voice: It's extremely bright, really bright.
Voice: It's all the way into Liberty now, into Hubbard now...
Unit #998 to RADIO: Is Howland reporting sightings?
RADIO: That is affirmative.
Voice: Hey Walter, chase it back north, I want to see this thing.
WALTER: From Howland and how far it's visible you should be able to see it.
Voice: I'm going to head out to [Route] 305 and get a glimpse of it from there.
UNIT #2223: I've got a visual on both of them, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
CONTROL: 10-4. We have multiple departments right now that has sightings on it.
UNIT #2223: OK, I've got them both. I've got Howland saying it looks like its in the area of Warren Road, Liberty says its down near Hubbard.
CONTROL: If you see anything close and can identify it, let us know.
UNIT #2223: Affirmative.
OFFICER X: I'm past 84-Lumber [hardware store] still eastbound, it's southeast of my location.
UNKNOWN UNIT: It doesn't seem like it moved at all from where I'm at.
VOICE: OK, are you by yourself, or is there someone documenting the observation also?
UNKNOWN UNIT: I'm at the airbase, I've got the security guard out here, he doesn't know what to make of it, either. We can see it from right here.
VOICE #2: Did you ask Liberty Dispatch the outcome of the FAA inquiry?
UNIT #433: Last check, radar at the airport was advising nothing on their screens. They wouldn't tell us anyway if its anything to do with the military. We've had another 'Hangar 7' happen in Trumbull County.
UNKNOWN FEMALE CONTROLLER: It's in Brookfield, now.
UNIT #998: We can see it from Route 62, a large light with red in it!
UNIT #223: I'm going to go up in the tower!
UNIT #443: Did you hear from Liberty or Youngstown?
Male Controller: Everyone in the county has a visual on it that I can hear.
2nd Voice: Right now, control is copying that it is somewhere in Brookfield Township, east of 84-Lumber on Warren Sharon Road. We've got a unit at the old county home on Route 7 with a visual at this
time. Looks like it's going southeast.
Officer C: I'm almost to Brookfield, I just pulled off and have it under binocular observation, and there is definitely a structure there, 429. What you saw... I can see an upper structure off the main part of the lighting.
UNIT #429: Yeah, it almost looks like a little parachute hanging from it.
Officer C: Yeah, something with a different colored lighting to it.
UNIT #429: Hey, 443, have you been looking at this through binoculars?
UNIT #443: I've been trying to run as far east to get as close and get a clear visual through my old binoculars and stopped at Brookfield Center, got a halfway decent look at it, the object you described on top of it.
UNIT 2223: What unit is that?
Voice: UFO's near Cortland!
2nd Voice: Is anybody close to that thing?
Male voice: Last seen it was southeast from 84-Lumber, in that area.
Voice: If you come up on [Rt.] 46, you should be able to see it without any problems. I could pick it up on North Hill Road.
3rd Voice: I'm at [Rt.] 305 & sitting on the overpass and I don't see anything.
OFFICER: I'm at Fowler & Ridge, how high up are we talking here, above the horizon?
Voice: Not very far. If you're in the tree line it'll block your view.
2nd Voice: Will I be able to see it if I go south on [Rt.] 11?
OFFICER: Yeah, you should, just look out toward Kings Grave, toward the airbase.
Voice: All right, I'll take a shot down [Rt.] 11.
UNIT 2223: I'm clear from the homes, I'm going to go closer to it.
CONTROL: What was your last location you saw it, where is it at now?
UNIT 2223: It looks like its right around 84 Lumber. I will head down [Rt.] 82 and will advise.
CONTROL: 10-4, give me a registration when you can.
UNIT #998: I don't know what this is... it's a large light in the sky, changing colors. We tried to signal it... [tape break, then resumes] It's in Brookfield now, pretty far from us.
Unidentified voice: We got this white light over the top of the airbase.
OFFICER: Yeah, that's probably it.
Unidentified voice: The light isn't pulsating or anything, it looks like a star or something up there.
OFFICER: How far are you from the airbase?
Unidentified voice: I'm near the airbase on [Rt.] 11, but it's southeast of there, looks to be rather high, though, not just over the tree line.
OFFICER: It's not much farther.
Voice: Have you heard from Wally or did he get beamed up?
Controller repeatedly attempts to contact Howland Unit #433 for status and receives no answer. Finally, #433 comes on and announces that he can't "get down in and was coming back."
Unknown Officer: I went down to [Rt.] 82 to cross over North 82 on [Rt.] 11, and the only thing I see is a white star out there, looks like either Jupiter or Sirius... nothing moving, nothing pulsating. You might try getting a little more rest during the day.
Officer then makes a joke about his decade of third shift duty and of shift rotation.
Unknown Officer:Unless I'm looking at the wrong thing, Walt, I didn't see anything but a white light southeast of the airport.
Voice: Keep trying, Walt. You'll find something.
TAPE BREAK: This next segment is a cellular telephone discussion recorded on the 9-1-1 channel because of the open phone line to the dispatch office. The conversation is between Controller Hutch and Officer Baker
BAKER: [jokes] I talked to these guys, everything's all right, they're going to go back to where they came from.
HUTCH: Did you see anything?
BAKER: I can see them. I've got them right here. I'm looking at it.
HUTCH: What the hell is it?
BAKER: I can see it from Warren Road.
to be continued
Kenny Young, UFO Research
Date: 98-06-07 22:43:55