Three UFOs were photographed
Sunday afternoon, August 20,
2000 at 3:09 p.m. hovering
on either side of the famous "Copse
of Trees" (clump of
trees) in Gettysburg,
Pennsylvania. However, the
UFOs were not visible to the
witnesses or the
photographer, but showed up
later in the

"Copse of Trees"
is the site of the last
Confederate assault in
Gettysburg against the Union
army during the Civil War.
On July 3, 1863, about
12,000 Confederate soldiers
marched across this open
field in what was known as
Pickett's Charge. The
Confederate soldiers were
slaughtered by the Union
Army hiding in this clump of

Within the hour,
Confederate casualties
totaled 5,000. Pickett's
Charge marked the turning
point in the Civil War. By
the end of the week, the
town of Gettysburg had a
higher dead population than
a living one.

the Gettysburg battlefields
is a deeply moving
experience. Perhaps the UFOs
are watching over Gettysburg
to prevent any further

is a close-up showing two
UFOs, one on each side of
the famous "Copse of
Trees." and a third off to the right in the distance

UFO on left is closer to viewer. UFOs appear to have a dome shape or are slightly egg-shaped.
Photographs, report and photo enhancements by AAER.