Chem trails continue to spew over American skies in what some say
is a government effort to control weather or contaminate the
environment. Meanwhile, Florida skies are filled with messages
written with chem trails.

"Smiley Face" drawn over Boca Raton, Florida on
December 21, 2002.

BOCA RATON, FLORIDA -- Our family was in sunny Florida for Christmas week. On Saturday, December 21, 2002
at 12:40 PM, we had just exited I-95 about a mile inland from the Atlantic Ocean and noticed a large "Smiley Face" being drawn in the southern sky with a chem trail.
We began taking pictures and videotaping.
Although the actual aircraft making the chem trail
could not be seen with the naked eye, the aircraft first drew a left eye, a right eye, a mouth and then a face. The chem trail was a pale bluish color with a hint of green, making it clearly distinguishable from nearby puffs of white cumulus clouds.
BOCA RATON - The top line was not fully
visible, while the bottom line spelled out "LOVES
Later, we filmed as the unseen aircraft then printed letters in the sky forming the words "LOVES US."

LAKE WORTH, FLORIDA -- The Sky Writing occurred again on Thursday, December 26, during mid-afternoon over the Atlantic Ocean. Large square letters were drawn
in the blue sky spelling out, "THANK GOD JESUS LOVES U."
The white dot in the sky after the letter
"N" and above the light pole is the start of the
letter "K."
LAKE WORTH - This was the start of the line
which spelled out "THANK GOD JESUS LOVES U."

The aircraft was able to turn the chem trail "on" and "off" at will. The actual chem trail itself appeared to be a double trail of very tight donut loops with a space in between.
The aircraft was at least 5 or 6 miles up.
LAKE WORTH - The "K" was added making the word
While these messages
border on the religious side, it is hard to believe that the US Military would write religious messages in the sky, or that a religious organization would pay for such a service (if even available or affordable) and then not publicize it on the TV or Radio.
UPDATE July 2004: Several readers recognized the
author of the sky writing as local pilot Jerry Stephens, a man who had a
vision several years ago and was compelled to write messages in the sky
for God. Thanks to Kathy and Lisa for bringing this to our
UPDATE February 2006: Reader Dennis Parham wanted to know who was doing the Florida skywriting
and found our website and sent along a picture he took in February 2006:
