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Questions and Answers: Is it common for children of abductees to be abducted?


Questions and Answers

Is it common for children of abductees to be abducted?

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Question: Is it common for children of abductees to be abducted?

--question from Oklahoma, USA


Yes it is. The Alien groups interested in human reproduction are often involved in abducting one or several children of the abductee. Contrary to popular belief, it is not true that Aliens are only interested in the oldest child. In large families, Aliens may show interest in any of the children, regardless whether it is the oldest, middle, or younger child.

There are also cases where an adopted child is the focus of the abductions, but not the adoptive parents. This is still explainable because the aliens are interested in studying genetic histories, regardless of whether the biological child(ren) lives with the birth mother or father.

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