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Questions and Answers: Do you believe UFOs are real or make believe?


Questions and Answers

Do you believe UFOs are real or make believe?

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Do you believe there are UFOs in the United States or is it just make believe?

--question from Nevada, USA


UFOs are real and have been in the United States for many years. UFOs have been seen all over the world for hundreds or possibly thousands of years. The legend of the water lilies from the Midwestern Ojibway Indians can be interpreted as Aliens contacting Indians. Early Egyptians as well as Mayans from Central America drew pictographs, pictures that tell stories, of people wearing helmets while sitting at control panels.

Many stories from the Holy Bible and the Talmud can be interpreted as Aliens interacting with people. Europeans designed medieval coins with flying disks in the sky. A museum painting from the 13th century shows a silver disk flying in the sky behind the trees. Artists draw what they see and that is why ancient drawings show UFOs and strange space creatures. So, to answer your question, it is not make believe. They are real.

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