Greeting, Fellow Persons,
Does anyone have chronic asymmetrical lymphedema from
possible filarial worm contamination due to an abduction?! I have this condition, suddenly, beginning as an acute infection Jan 22, 1997.
Many of my life experiences, dreams, visions, etc, show a strong intersection with Abductee
Life Experiences. I am not certain I have been abducted, but I have certainly been visited by both
observing and by attacking Glowing Globes (six inch to 3 foot diameter) in the past.
Now I have this leg problem, normally deemed to be a "tropical disease" and hence not taken
seriously by many small-minded physicians in Calgary, Alberta, Canada (NOT a tropical climate).
IF people ARE being abducted to group holding places for examination, and if MOSQUITOES are unwittingly
also (accidentally) taken along...and someone present carries a mosquito-vectorable disease...others abducted may catch it.
Do you really believe the Abductors are (1) Clean, (2) Caring, and (3) Highly Intelligent?! I don't!
Your problems are very unfortunate, and is in response to Lymphodemic Leg Worms and Abduction Experiences. Thank you for sharing.