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Questions and Answers: Am I a life-long abductee?


Questions and Answers

Am I a life-long abductee?

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I am very frustrated. I am looking for professionals to work with. Please contact me right away. I believe I have been a life long abductee. I cannot be sure. I cannot sleep at night without a night light and I'm 30 years old! I have two vivid memories of seeing UFOs but only nightmares about the Aliens. I am sure I've gone through some traumatic experience with the Aliens known as the greys. Please let me know what I can do to further understand this and deal with it. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah. Please, write soon. Am I a life-long abductee?


Your experiences are echoed by millions of people around the world. Small comfort though knowing you have to sleep with the light on. Our first suggestion is that you read everything at this web site. Understanding what your are experiencing will help you understand some of the basics about abductions. As you read the items posted at the web site, you will connect with others who share your experiences. Granted, it's a long haul to learning to sleep again at night without the light on. But this is the place to regain your sanity. Understanding what is happening is the first step to developing a healthier attitude. You can write to us at anytime. Send in specifics if you like and we will comment.

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