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Questions and Answers: Can a one year old boy have an alien abduction mark?


Questions and Answers

Can a one year old boy have an alien abduction mark?

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My 1 year old son would not go to sleep for several nights after waking up one morning. When he woke up, I saw a triangle shape marking over his heart and I was wondering if this is maybe from an abduction? The triangle was rounded at the top and two slashes on each side to complete the perfect triangle.


It could be an alien mark, but we have to rule out other possibilities first. Was there a design in your son's clothing or bedding that could possibly have made the imprint of such a mark while he slept on his stomach? How long were the "sides" of the triangle? What color? How long did the marks last? Has anyone else in the house experienced the unusual phenomena such as that shown in our abduction survey? Are there other abductees living in the house? To see what other kinds of alien marks look like, do a word search at this web site to see more.

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