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Questions and Answers: Why have I had the same abduction dream since childhood?


Questions and Answers

Why have I had the same abduction dream since childhood?

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All I know is, I am 18, and I have had the same abduction dream since I was very young. I have two marks that came after the dreams...I'm not sure what to do. My parents are old fashioned and do not believe in such things as this. They think it is not Christian like, but I just want some questions answered and some advice on how to get the dreams to stop. Help if you can. Thank you.

-- question from Indiana


I would like to hear more about these dreams of yours. I would also like for you to describe the marks you have acquired.

Dreams are a forgotten language rich with symbolism; we can learn a lot from them. If your dreams are repressed memories of abduction, it is possible that your mind has decided it is time to confront it. If you haven't done so, I would recommend that you keep a journal on these dreams. Make sure to record the dates. Be as detailed as you can. This will serve to give you a better understanding on what's going on and if there is any kind of pattern to them. Also record any marks that appear on your body overnight that you can't explain. Make sure to note their location. If you can, photograph these marks.

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