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Questions and Answers: Is lack of male sex drive a symptom of abduction?


Questions and Answers

Is lack of male sex drive a symptom of abduction?

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I'm a 28 year old white male. Last March I was in the south of Chile (Puerto Montt). I've never seen a UFO but my Chilean girlfriend had (along with her mom, sister, sister's friend, etc.) Anyway.. .one night when we were sleeping in different houses we both had the same experience of waking up startled in the middle of the night not knowing where we were. We both literally had to get up and look out the window to be sure of where we were (in the same house and bed) I told her about his the next day and that was when I found out she had the same experience. I haven't asked her if she's had any other sign or experiences with UFOs.

Anyway, I've noticed that my sexual drive has really dropped of since then..almost have no interest in sex, even though everything functions normally. (Morning wood, ejaculations). I still sometimes wake up in the middle of the night startled. Otherwise I have no other signs of possible abduction. Any comments? Is lack of sex drive a symptom of abduction?

-- question from Minnesota


I have not directly done a study on this subject, but I might offer some observations from my case load. I have been told of a somewhat reduction in sexual drive due to sperm extraction. It could be long term if a person viewed it personally as a rape. Another cause reported is stress related to the trauma of an abduction. Also fatigue has been a factor if there are multiple abductions in a small span of time.

Joseph Stewart

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