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Questions and Answers: Has anyone seen the aliens' eyes ripple?


Questions and Answers

Has anyone seen the aliens' eyes ripple?

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Has anyone seen the alien Greys' eyes kind of ripple slightly as if part of the eye is moving behind the black?


Yes. Others have seen the ripple effect where the eye appears to be moving behind the black. Other abductees have described this and it has been reported in the books. In Colonel Corso's book reviewed here Book Review: The Day After Roswell, the author describes the medical examination of the black covering over the alien's eyes. The medical examiner held the black covering over his own eye and saw that he could see through it in the dark. According to Corso, this discovery was reverse-engineered and became the military invention known as "night vision." However, in order to hear what others have seen, post your question on the bulletin to see what kind of response you get.

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