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Alien Symbols: Alien Glyphs from California


Alien Symbols: Index of Alphabets, Insignias, Maps, Star Charts and Symbols

Alien Glyphs from California

Alien Glyphs from California Alien Glyphs from California Alien Glyphs from California Alien Glyphs from California Alien Glyphs from California Alien Glyphs from California Alien Glyphs from California

Diana told AAER, "I have been doing this 'writing' since I was 16. I found this flat rock and felt compelled to put these characters on it. Since then I have been able to do this 'writing.' I have met others who also do a very similar writing to this and would like to hear from anyone who recognizes it."

"While I do not have memories of abduction, I have had a vision of hundreds of hooded men in white robes who were listening to this text being read to them - and again if someone has had a similar vision that would be of interest."

Diana from California

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