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Alien Symbols: Alien Handwriting from Nathan


Alien Symbols: Index of Alphabets, Insignias, Maps, Star Charts and Symbols

Alien Handwriting from Nathan

Alien Handwriting from Nathan

Nathan wrote, "Here is some alien writing. I also speak alien from the home planet of Ethna. I've been doing this all my life. Unfortunately, I stopped for a long time due to people (family) thinking I was crazy and sending me to a psych doc who put me on 22 pills a day, and still did it . . . so I stopped, because they said I was crazy and delusional."

"Recently, I just went off my meds . . . they only made me very ill to the point I could hardly function! This also messed up my mind really bad. But the good news, since I've been of them a few months, I have recovered 100%. I am growing in psychic powers such as telepathy! I also started writing down this writing and channeling. Anyways, take a look, tell me what you think."


November 12, 2001

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