Symbols Photo Album
Star Chart Shown to Minnesota Man
Alphabet Shown to Minnesota Man
Chart Shown to Minnesota Man
Star Chart Shown to Arizona Woman
Star List Shown to Minnesota Man
Finds Comfort in Sharing His Alien Alphabets
Symbols Alter Human Energy
Handwriting Taught to Texas Man
Script Shown to Massachusetts Woman
Shorthand Taught to Florida Man
Alphabet from London, England
Symbol from Astral Abduction
Glyphs from California
Symbols from Jessy
Symbols from Michelle
Symbols from Sandy's Friend
Handwriting from Texas 2
Handwriting from Nathan
Alien Dream Symbols
Alien symbols from Mexico

from Our Readers about the Alien Symbols
don't recognize
this alphabet myself but there is a NASA
photo of the surface of Mars that shows a similar script. Please check
this out. See if you think it is similar." --Starmom
reference to the alien alphabet that you have posted, some of
letters do look familiar to me. When I looked at the alphabet, it
back childhood memories of when I lived in the Panhandle of
star chart that was shown to the Arizona women, is a map of this
galaxy. It's divided into four quadrants.
Starting from the top
and moving right they go: Gamma, Delta, Alpha, Beta. The large symbols
in the
corners identify the quadrant, and the smaller ones that encircle the
itself are various coordinates within each quadrant of space."
-- A Reader
one in the middle is Jesus and it has all four corners of the earth on
it. There is a crown with a cross on his head. There is also a dove in
the symbol."
-- Rainbow
wanted to let you know that I have seen this particular alphabet inside
of certain ships."
-- Kathy 1/11/02
is a familiarity there. Though part of me says it is a mix, possibly a
symbolic coding. Roughly it looks like a trip of 363 days, by ship.
sure what the binary code stands for. Possibly the recounting of a male
female pairing. He a sea farer, her a river farer or heiress. They set
up home, near the mountains.
So out of curiosity, is there a set of mountains at 55 degrees
longitude and 49 degrees latitude, with a river forming an S shape?"
-- John Moorman 1/9/02
have a page that shows symbols, some of them I have seen. They told me
that I was written in this book, which is something I did not
understand. The other symbol looks like a clock with on hand on it. I
saw that before.
just can't tell
which time I saw it. Sorry that I
can't help you any more than that. Be very careful, who you are talking
to. I feel I know what some of the words were. They made me angry and
fearful. Just be careful."
-- UFOchaser 2/2/02
read about your dream and saw those symbols and I have seen similar in
this book:
The Healer's Handbook: A Journey into Hyperspace
by Stewart Swerdlow, Peter Moon (Editor).

There's a section on Radionics and many symbols like this to use with
some device. I didn't like the way it all sounded, so have no personal
experience with the technique. Much of the information in his book is
solid and useful, as perhaps this is. But for some reason, my
impression of Radionics was to walk away. Hope this helps you in some
way. Good luck with your search."
-- Connie 2/2/02
3rd down from the top (Minnesota Star Chart) looks like a
politically important binary star system - it may well be SIRIUS."
-- Andrew Hennessey 2/1/02
Symbols from Michelle reminds
me of power within a power grid....such as perhaps those in a pyramid."
is jerking your chain. It is Japanese. It makes no sense, a
mixture of Hiragana and Katakana."
--Comment from Japan
the Newsletter this morning and took a trip to you site. I was
wondering about this supposed alien writing. I don't believe it for a
second. The words "Ex Jew," and some Hebrew words, and the term "F***
You" are written clearly. I think you need to re-evaluate this glyph at
Glyphs from California.
You are being had."
--Big Jim
Symbols from Michelle is
the secret Tantric symbol used to awaken ESP powers, but you have to
close the circle and put a square line at the end opposite the small
saw the symbols you put on and recognise 2 of them. The one
at the bottom left is the military sign for a helicopter on the command
map and the top left symbol I saw while trying to do remote viewing. I
saw that shape and thought of a dam, and planes. I also had the strong
feeling it was Las Vegas in the US, so I looked at Vegas on the www and
the Hoover Dam is very close to it and the airports 'Foot print' is the
top left symbol. You scared yet? I am.
--Edward from the UK
saw two of the symbols in Paul's alphabet at Alien
Alphabet from London
written in petrogliths on rocks in the Valley of Fire in
Nevada. I'm checking into it further to see if some of the other
markings are there as well. Supposedly, they're made by ancient Indian
civilizations, but I mean, how much do we really know? We're talking
about 30 miles or so from Area 51."
--C.C. Trott