When Coral and Jim Lorenzen of the Aerial Phenomena
Research Organization sent me into the isolated strip
mine area of south-central Indiana, United States in
1966-67, I was little prepared for the intensity and
boldness of the aliens. Domed discs and oval craft were
being seen by many persons and at close range.
Many people though the UFOs must be hiding in the bottom of
the strip mine lakes for that was where they seemed to
come from. George Pratt, a nearby farmer, had seen a
round yellow UFO arrive so often in the sky overhead
that he used the expression it came up ” when
describing its arrival, meaning it came up from out of
the lakes. The yellow UFO came all summer long, hovered
about 15 minutes during which time it would interupt his
radio reception, then would fly off to the south. In the
daylight of the sun, the UFO was a round silver object.
Skeptics from town would see the UFO from the road on
the way to Pratt’s house. Then one night, three jets
came roaring in from Terre Haute, Indiana (USA) and
chased the light in the sky. The object flitted around
the sky like a firefly, but the jets never could get
near it.
Did the aliens have an undersea base in the strip mine
area? If not, then why did they always come from that
Toronto, Canada: What
is going on beneath the restless waters of Lake Ontario
in Canada between Oakville and Toronto? Many Canadians
living on the shore are convinced that an undersea base
for UFOs must exist there. For years, many witnesses
have seen lights shooting in and out of the lake and a
number of photos have been taken.
Harry Picket, an aeronautical engineer, pilot, and
aircraft research firm owner, has watched the lights for
years. The orange lights hover, fly erratic patterns,
and sometimes zip straight up and out of sight. Why are
these lights being seen in different locations?
Brazil, South America: South America has been an incredible hotbed of
UFO activity for years near the little town of Demerval
Lobo, in northeastern Brazil. In this region, the antics
of egg-shaped UFOs were so bold that the field workers
abandoned their jobs and fled. Everyone believed there
was a UFO base nearby in the river.
It was the same in the Amazon River basin towns of Odios,
and Santarem where the fishermen pulled up their lines
and gave up. In another South American location, so many
UFOs were seen shooting in and out of the Gulfs of San
Maties and San Jorge, that it became routine and
received little attention.
Argentina: Several
Argentine UFO groups, after accumulating years of data,
became convinced that submerged alien bases must surely
exist off the southern coast of Patagonia.
Another type of phenomena that seems to be linked with
underground alien bases, are the perplexing motor
California (USA): Campers
around Big Bear Lake on the eastern edge of the San
Gabriel Mountains in California had seen some 30 UFOs in
three weeks. Some campers discovered that they could
pick up strange mechanical sounds when placing a
microphone on the forest floor.
Washington (USA): The
Yakima Indian Reservation located in south-central
Washington State is a region of hundreds of square miles
of rugged forest land. During periods of high UFO
activity forest lookouts in fire control towers watched
glowing objects maneuver over distant ridges and swoop
down into canyons.
Chief Fire Control Officer Bill Vogel wrote to me about
a sound similar to turbines or large truck motors which
could be heard running underground. It sounded like a
truck laboring to get up a hill but never quite making it.
Meanwhile, just south of the reservation and north of
the Columbia River, another investigator who formerly
worked twenty years in Los Angeles law enforcement,
reported yet another unbelievable situation. One ranch
family had seen much UFO activity for 10 years. They
believed the UFOs must be engaged in some kind of mining
operation. The source of the machinery sound seemed deep
underground. Ape-like entities had shown up so much at
the ranch that the horses and dogs no longer went into a
panic when the apes appeared.
The great profusion of assorted UFOs and other eerie happenings in the
forested northwestern region of the state of New Jersey in
the 1975-1976 time period, and the underground sounds
caused one to wonder about subterranean alien bases.
 Photo of Donald Worley, Alien Abduction Researcher
This sparsely settled region of hills, lakes, swamps and
forests in the counties of Morris, Warren, Hunterdon, and
Sussex, was the site of another one of those macabre
infestation scenes.
Great sky flashes, brilliant ruby-red UFOs, and an
estimate that there could have been hundreds of ape-like
entity sightings, gives you some idea of the
"problem" that afflicted the inhabitants. The
hairy entities seemed to do a lot of howling and crying
all over the place and left many tracks. We are primarily
concerned here with the many truck climbing hill
sounds reported by so many citizens for several years.
Near White Meadow Lake, New Jersey, witnesses reported
sounds resembling underground construction work or
subterranean machinery. The sounds would often last much
of the night. The sounds would occur in different areas
and no one could really pinpoint their location.
Giving actual reality to the existence these bases, are
the experiences of an unknown percentage of abductees who
insist they have been inside these underground bases.
Approximately one-fourth of my 171 cases have described
this scenario. Consider the following three cases.
1. Abductee #78 from the state of Georgia (USA), called
the alien beings she met in an under-river base, “the
river base people.” The river was 20 miles from her
home, and it was here she met tall, stately, blonde
haired, blue eyed aliens and some she called the
"high collar people" She said you could pass
the blonde aliens on the street and not know it is them
because they looked so human. Some aliens were concerned
about our Earth and thought of us as a "war planet."
2. Abductee #101 from the state of Arizona (USA), spent
time in under-desert tunnels and rooms escorted by her
lifetime mentor, which was a tall hybrid Gray alien. While
there, she saw military personnel and a group of humans
she suspected might be mentally controlled persons missing
from Earth. While there, she also met Halflings, who are
identical to humans, and female alien hybrids that she was
told were hers by gene manipulation.
3. Abductee #114 from the state of Virginia (USA), was
taken down into a subterranean rocky structure along with
over 50 other persons, through a large door and into a
large room .Scenes of cataclysmic destruction of Earth
were shown on a large screen. This abductee later asked
his lifetime Nordic-like mentor he called Thor
about what he had been shown. Thor said these
disasters are an inevitable result of time on Earth's
sustaining systems and was for the good of the Earth. When
the abductee asked when all these atrocities would occur,
Thor answered that only the creator of all knows when it
will happen.
What are our invaders doing inside secret centers of such
busy activity? Can Earth actually be honeycombed with such
hives of activities? Are these bases constructed from
actual physical materials such as concrete, or do they
represent some kind of altered dimensional sites? The
sound and testimony of those who have been to these hidden
places causes me to think they are a physical reality.
So how do we explain the massive stereophonic sound
penetrating everywhere and appearing to come from
underground? Make no mistake about it. The alien
intelligence has conjured something up and one day it is
sure to have a very profound effect on us sleeping
In any event, it is certain that covert government
activity will never reveal the truth about these awesome
matters. They know that on the day that Earth's masses
awaken to the realization of the presence of the fantastic
dimensional or stellar ultra-technology called UFOS,
social disintegration will fall upon the human race.
of Worley's Articles
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