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Donald Worley: A World Under Assault

Donald Worley, Alien Abduction Researcher

A World Under Assault


An epic, unseen struggle has been raging for many years. Large intelligence groups in Earth's leading nations and the valiant forces at their disposal are locked in a hopeless struggle with a foe whose power is unsurpassed. Sleeping humanity little suspects what lies in its perilous future. It is much like the falsely secure revelers on the doomed Titanic.

If some miraculous help does not finally intervene it is probable that our cherished values and even we ourselves will be annihilated you think the preceding statements are the babblings of an irresponsible fool? Please read on and then we shall see what you think. I fear we must objectively face what the true verified data tells us even though it is profoundly disastrous to us.

In this article I want to acquaint you with some very disturbing elements in the aliens’ huge, relentless, human abduction operation, and briefly discuss their final results. The aliens’ ruthless, skilled abduction project presents major problems for our beleaguered forces that do not have even the slightest chance of ever coping with this cunning para-physical form of alien penetration. Within the abduction syndrome are the following ominous activities which I will take a brief look at using my own cases numbers 102, 93, and 55 as illustrations.

A. Military personnel and civilians in underground and undersea bases or in UFOs.

B. Hybrids and Halflings and the gene business in fetus production.

C. The clones.

By way of further explanation I will briefly touch on implants, cerebral programming, terminal abduction, and hidden alien bases.

In case #102, Wanda was the abductee who asked me to do an evaluation and try to answer some of her questions about her incredible experiences. Her lifetime Grey alien mentor's name was Valic. We do have some persons who are protected and guided throughout their lives. This alien is a Nordic or the taller-type Grey.

Wanda describes Valic, who had a human father and so is a gene blended hybrid, as being "slender, 5' 6" and bald, greyish-tan skin, nearly regular sized eyes with a little white showing, tiny nose, ears, and a slit mouth. He wore a knitted grey jump suit. He tries to smile but can't for he does not have the facial muscles for it. I have never seen him eat but have seen his food that looks like blue pudding.

Wanda is Valic's special Earth assignment and a valuable one for the aliens for she has produced 25 fetuses for them. Please note my next startling statement. Some of these are Halflings, an alien gene-mix predominantly human, who are indistinguishable from a human unless you check their genes. We do not know what may be concealed in their minds. They may be leading a life of normal existence by daylight, and a life of alien activity by night and be unaware of it.

Wanda’s other fetuses nurtured in the alien environment were all alien-like hybrids. They were about 5' 3", grey-tan skin with teeth that can smile and laugh. They have emotions due to the human genes.

Wanda has seen dark-haired humans underground bossing some short Grey aliens, and one human who had black-grey hair, who seemed to be in command. In dirt and finished tunnels and large rooms, she has seen captured humans that looked like homeless people and runaway kids who would not be missed by society. In her home, she was guarded by what she believed were human-like genetically altered beings. She called them "hunks" and they were all tall identical beings that she believed were cloned.

At this time I want to discuss some of the important things we can learn from this case. You do realize there are many other cases that have similar corroborative ingredients. Offhand I'm thinking of cases like those of Katrina Wilson, Melinda Leslie, and Leah Haley. In all these cases, when we exclude all the virtual reality screen illusions, shape-shifting, school sessions, and crafty lies, we have the aliens’ central motive exposed. It is the acquisition of human reproductive material and the use of it to accomplish their aims.

For a moment let us think about Wanda's guardians and cloning. Since the guardians were all carbon copies of each other, it is apparent they were cloned. In the interest of space, I will not describe some of my other cases where clones were involved. We would be very foolish not to realize the aliens must be very proficient at cloning. So the aliens are no doubt cloning untold numbers of soul-less beings and thereby introducing another profound threat to our well-being.

In case #93, Kim had many experiences with a variety of the Grey aliens. Some aliens wore medical gowns or form fitting suits. She also saw human males, aged 25 to 35, wearing lab coats and performing medical procedures. One time there was a human who looked just like Albert Einstein or David Jacobs, bushy hair and all.

Kim was told one hybrid was her daughter. This alien being had an aged look, long thin hair, was anorexic-looking, and wore a sheer dress. Kim said, "The Zetas with whom I am in contact, have many adults and children living on board. They are from genetic material that has been collected from us Earthlings. I have met some of these people, both human and Halfling, and they seem genuinely happy people. Communicating by voice and telepathy, I was told they were happy where they were and had no desire to be in the chaos of Earth. I was shown living areas and a recreation park-like area under construction with scaffolding present. I don't think they are being treated like slaves."

Sarah had no knowledge of underground bases until she was inside bases in the state of Alabama USA. She talks about the "under river base people" and other types. At one base, the aliens were all human-like blonde, blue eyed, Nordic types. She states some of the blonde groups are good and some are bad. There is a dislike by the good kind for what the bad kind are doing, but not any open conflict between them. Some of the shorter people she calls the, "high collar ones" which are friends with the blondes and the red eyed apes. They all work together. There was an 8 year old Halfling traveling with one of the blondes. In one base she knows of, the aliens had detained a military man. His vocal chords had been removed but not a thing could be done about it. He knew about jets and was listed as missing. She gave me his description.

As we think about all these reports of military men and civilians on board craft or living in underground bases, what should we think? I am aware of abductee Kim saying that those she observed were normal and happy. However, it is my belief that no one in the clutches of aliens ever retains his own normal cerebral functions.


Photo of Donald Worley, Alien Abduction Researcher

Photo of Donald Worley,
Alien Abduction Researcher

There are many reports of military personnel performing tasks in the alien environment. In one case there were up to 50 observed! Knowing the aliens’ awesome control of the human mind, I am convinced that all such persons are really under alien command.

Earlier in this article I said that I would mention some of the other malevolent methods of envelopment. In my total of 171 cases, skin disruption, and insertion of tiny implants is common. A disturbance of electro-magnetic (EM) devices such as street lights, computers and similar devices is also often reported by abductees. If you have this effect, you need to find out what is going on in your life, for you too, are part of their control.

Another insurmountable situation is that appalling form of alien instant translation resulting in what can be called terminal abduction. Terminal abduction happened to the pilot of an Air Force jet on March 9, 1955 near Paris, Illinois. Eugene Metcalfe watched the giant bell shaped UFO swallow the jet. Over Bass Strait in Australia, a Cessna airplane was shadowed and captured by a UFO. Two other aircraft also vanished at the same location. In December of 1988, many witnesses in the Puerto Rican towns of Lajas and Carbo Rio watched two Navy jets being taken by a gigantic glowing triangle. I have mentioned only a few of these events here.

There is another kind of terminal abduction by the heartless aliens that is not believed and not mentioned to any extent. Some humans vanish mysteriously and there are witnesses to this. In 1978, Eva Rencher of Dej, Romania went to get a soccer ball, turned, and vanished as friends looked on. Burn marks remained at the spot.

In 1987, Matthias Gramson, age 42, from Arkanes, Iceland, was skydiving with friends when he vanished at 300 feet below friends who were coming down with him. In World War II on Ewo Jima, 7 men of the 24th US Marines watched a dazzling white light envelop 5 officers and men standing on a rise overlooking the ocean. In an instant they vanished. I have only skimmed the surface of this phenomenon.

Another stark fact of life in our deplorable predicament is the secret alien terrestrial bases. The data is very clear on this. Craft have been seen entering and leaving hidden bases, especially those underwater. Many abductees talk of being in them. The truck climbing hill sound is sometimes heard with them. In a previous article, I identified 15 localities and no doubt this is only a fraction of them. Quite literally one can say the aliens are into us like mice in Swiss cheese.

I have pointed out to you how the silent tentacles of an insidious monster now moves in the midst of sleeping humanity while helpless authority pretends nothing is happening. Two monumental questions present themselves.

1. What is the true nature of the main invading force that we can never hope to resist?

2. What final plan does this intelligence have for us? Even though we see isolated instances of this power having done well, the vast overall scene shows it as ruthlessly violating many of the life-sustaining principals of civilized man. The destruction of a human soul's sovereignty is a supremely evil act in the Universe. The kidnapping of an innocent child is a criminal act. The creation of pitiful hybrids, or control of human Halflings, not to the mention the imprisonment of many of the human species who have been mentally altered, is a cruel injustice. It would seem that compassion is totally missing from parts of the alien psyche. Of course for functional and confusing purposes, it will show us a gentle loving face at times.

What is the aliens' ultimate plan for us? When we look at the aliens’ awesome, frightening, creative, and cloning abilities, and the immense effort that we see them putting forth, it is clear they have created so many billions of entities it is beyond our comprehension. Are all the perfected hybrids being held in readiness somewhere? What is the real number of Halflings in our midst? What could the abductees really be programmed to do that will only emerge at a certain signal?

When we view the terrible facts of the alien enigma, it is apparent that what we have to fear is not a satanic scenario in which the skies suddenly fill with alien craft, disgorging hoards of invaders, while armies of trained Halflings, clones, and abductees are activated to do their tasks. No, this is not the way we dangerous aboriginals of Earth will be dealt with. We know that now because we already see the modus operandi of the real plan in action! IT IS THE GRADUATED NON-STRESS OF SPECIES WAY.

By steadily over a long period of time, infusing human Halflings and their seed into our society a time would arrive when some of humanity would have become a subtle alien-controlled genius-breed able to take
control of all centers of power. The bulk of humanity being then relegated to an inferior breed status. A one-world, one-religion, era that would see the fond days of human freedom only a memory. Once in clandestine control the takeover agenda could be stepped up with increasing numbers of alien life forms pouring into the mainstream of life.

The cunning and skill of he aliens would be such that humanity would never suspect what was happening until it was far too late. This would be the time of the cashless society and individual economic control.

If you did not embrace or cower before the powers of darkness and oppression and take the UPC 666 code mark in your hand or forehead, you would perish. Among the teeming, hapless inhabitants of Earth, all the devilish, destructive, things possible would grow and move toward a crescendo-like breakdown of law and order, loss of morality, the scourge of drug and aids and finally the slaughter of nuke exchanges. MUCH OF THIS IS WHAT WE SEE DEVELOPING TODAY!

One thing is certain in our present circumstances. If our precious, beloved, planet does not finally experience the arrival of a glorious rescue force of superior power and love as described in the Holy Scriptures, I am positive that the tiny glowing light of humanity in the Universe will be snuffed out.

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