Mr. Donald Worley asked Noel to describe her experience with MIBs (Men-in-Black).
Noel explained, "Oh my, the MIB. Well I see them as warning signs of bad times. I am aware of their presence, but they seem to ignore me. On 9/10/01 I was in the mall in Montgomery, Alabama and they (the MIB) seemed to be everywhere. Never approaching me or saying a word, I knew evil was about to be upon us. I foresaw the 9/11 attack but I only was shown the Pentagon. I knew, Donald. And nothing I could say would stop it. I take my 'gifts' with a grain of salt. Sometimes I doubt myself, but when the MIB show up I KNOW it is a real thing. I foresaw the attack on the USS Cole. I wasn't sure where the ship was but I saw the bombing clearly."
"I also am very worried about November of this year 2002. I don't see what yet but I will in time. As things come to me, I will email you the details if you wish. As far as the black helicopters go, I have always taken it as United Nations troops. I feel change is in the air for America in the next decade and we all need to be aware. I am glad to hear it was your sis to come though to me. I was not comfy with your thinking it was your wife. If this is your sis. She is so very proud of you. I can try to get in touch with your wife if you wish. I will do my best but as I said if they don't want to speak they won't."
 Photo of Donald Worley, Alien Abduction Researcher
"As for paranormal things I have lived in a haunted house. I know what the presence of ghosts feels like. I do not fret about ghosts and have taken many ghost hunt trips to explore what some of us can't see. I wonder if I may ask you if you were abducted yourself? I would love to hear thestory you have to share. I know you have one; I sense it. The murders you talk of are too hard for me to focus on, so a newspaper clipping may help. This is too hard. I see children involved."
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