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Donald Worley: Why is this Happening to Me? The Universal Question of all Abductees

Donald Worley, Alien Abduction Researcher

Why is this Happening to Me? The Universal Question of all Abductees


You are not alone in this. There are at least unknown hundreds of thousands of people who are a part of this relentless ongoing project. It has been going on for a long time. Most "chosen ones" who realize something is going on learn to adjust to it and lead near normal lives.

A small fraction have doubted their sanity and have been committed to a mental hospital or resorted to suicide. Others have very disturbed lives. This would not happen if I could have found them.

I will not discuss the possible motives that the lawless intruders (aliens) have for doing what they are doing. Instead, I want to concentrate on you the focal point of this situation. Whatever the facts of your involvement, you must understand that you are Creator GOD's beautiful soul.

He is a personal GOD and in his orderly scheme of things, no matter how things seem now, you will go on beyond the barriers of death and time. This Earth and your journey at this time in this dimension is a schoolroom for your soul's development.

Your body is like a blue Tiffany box that holds a gift. Once the box is discarded the treasure remains. It is eternal, indestructible. You must now forever know this in your heart as you endure this very strange role you are forced to play.


Photo of Donald Worley, Alien Abduction Researcher

Photo of Donald Worley,
Alien Abduction Researcher

God never makes a mistake. You have a glorious future in God's incredible summerland, and when you make that transition to spirit -- then you will see His wise design in permitting you to have this happen to you in the flesh.

So, do place all your trust in Him, talk to Him often. He loves to hear from his own spark in his vast cosmos.

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